About Us

Our Philosophy

At Duntroon Day Care we believe each child is a unique individual who deserves the very best of care in a safe, nurturing and welcoming environment.  Children are competent, capable of complex thinking, curious and rich in potential.  Duntroon Day Care provides quality care that recognizes children’s competencies, and we strive to plan and deliver a program that is culturally relevant and responsive as well as based in play and inquiry. Children’s interests and curiosities are explored with the support of responsive, caring trained professionals in Early Childhood Education.

We recognize and support programming based on Ontario’s Pedagogy encompassing the four foundations of “How Does Learning Happen”, Belonging and Well- Being, Engagement and Expression. These conditions are important for children to flourish, grow and be successful. Our goal at the centre is to build on children’s interests, strengths, and abilities and our pedagogical approaches are based on current research and best practices.  An essential component of building strong relationships with children is ensuring that all four components of How Does Learning Happen is embedded in the learning environment, so that we can create a sense of belonging and well-being for all the children. We further support this by educator interactions and engagement whilst inviting children to explore the world they play in. Expression takes on many forms. Through a variety of designed play invitations children are able to express their creativity, imagination, curiosity and wonder. 

Early Learning for Every Child today: A Framework for Ontario Early Childhood Settings. Duntroon Day Care has a commitment to children and families to honour the six principles as set in the ELECT document to guide our daily practice in our learning environments:

Principle 1: Positive experiences in early childhood set the foundation for lifelong learning, behaviour, health and well-being

Principle 2: Partnership with families and communities is essential

Principle 3: Respect for diversity, equity and inclusion is vital

Principle 4: An intentional planned program supports learning

Principle 5: Play and inquiry are learning approaches that capitalize on children’s natural curiosity and exuberance

Principle 6: Knowledgeable, responsive and reflect educators are essential